Gary and Rose were married in our gazebo yesterday afternoon with 3 guests in attendance. I did not coordinate their wedding but helped stand guard to keep some privacy for their ceremony. Rose came in to the Gift Shop this morning after her photo appointment and I asked her how she liked her photos, and gradually we started talking about how Gary and Rose met.
Gary and Rose went to high school together 45 years ago. They were not an item in high school but had gone out on one date. Rose told me that they both parted ways after high school and had married other people. They would see each other at their high school reunions but up until their most recent reunion, were still unavailable. At their last reunion, Rose realized they were both single and decided to walk right up to Gary and let him know it was their time now. She gave him her number and told him to call her. Rose figured since she made the first move that night, it's now up to him to make the next one. He called her the next day!
I could tell Rose was emotional telling me their story of how they've come together. She knows that fate has now given them the chance for their love. Before she left, she pulled out a note that she had found from his yearbook when they graduated, a note she had written to him saying what a sweet caring man he was and to "look me up after graduation."
Congratulations Rose and Gary and I wish you many wonderful years together.