This will be my last post and probably my favorite post!
Saturday, March 27th I was getting very restless from a long day of weddings. I was getting ready to coordinate the 51st wedding of the day and the limo driver tells me that the couple is waiting for me in wedding information. When I walk in I just start laughing! This couple totally made my day! James & Jessica along with all of their guests had made matching "married in vegas" t-shirts!!! I loved it! Their photographer Joe said that in his 2 years of working here he has never had a couple do this. This group was a blast.
James and Jessica have been together for 8 years. They told me that when they decided to get

married in Vegas they didn't want anything too serious because they were comfortible with the relations ship they were in. So they decided no fancy dress and tux. On the front of their shirts it said "My fabulouse Wedding Las Vegas" and then on the back it said James & Jessica March 27, 2010 las Vegas, NV and had a cute picture of a bridal couple in a get-away car.

When It comes to your vegas wedding the sky is the limit. If you would like to dress up as wonder woman and superman for your wedding you are more then welcome to! Its your wedding. Be original! Make it about you. james & Jessica said they were comfortable with who they are and where they are in their lives... for them that ment matching t-shirts and jeans with 8 of their friends. For me and my husband It ment 400 of our closest family and friends with a ball gown and tux. It s your wedding! Make it your own!
Congratulations James & Jessica Bensang!!!