Once upon a time there was a staff meeting, deciding that the lovely ladies of Chapel of The Flowers, deserve an evening of laughter and excellent food! Little did the managers know the evening would be not only fun,but it was full of funny stories, jokes, tasting an entire menu and table dancing by our most elegant coordinator Beverly! (Few sips of Diet Coke and she gets a little wild!!)
OK, there was no table dancing, but there was toss up of who would be dared to, between Beverly and Andria who just had a baby and first time out on the town, were a wild bunch!

Salads, shrimp with meat, kabobs,
petite filets, spicy ribs, dates to die for, roasted peppers oh my!Bread with some sort of fabulous butter,
croquettas, berry tarts, banana and
nutella sandwiches, cute waiter and a partridge in a
pear tree were just a few items we had!All the staff at Firefly restaurant and all the patrons at the bar, were green with envy of how much fun we were having and enjoying the view of 11 beautiful ladies all smiles on their faces!

At The Chapel of The Flowers were not only co-workers but were friends. It's very rare to have co-workers that become friends or some cases like family in a work environment, but somehow our little story book chapel is able to accomplish that.Unfortunately we had a few planners and coordinators missing but we carried on with out them, even though it was tough, but they were
truly missed.

We had so much fun being able to socialize outside of the work place so we can get to know each other better!

After trying the entire menu, topped off with dessert, we waddled out to our cars, said our goodbyes and walked away with a memory of a wonderful evening! Were a great team at Chapel of The Flowers and none of us can do our job alone, we all work together and we produce amazing weddings! Thanks to the managers for such a fun night and thank you to all the staff for doing such an outstanding job!
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