Paul & Nitza Doyle joined us on November 28th to Renew their Vows. After 13 year of marriage this was not only a celebration of their love for each other but also for Nitza's 50th Birthday and she looked good on her birthday and that ivory suit! Paul didn't look to bad himself either. He was wearing the same tux he got married in 13 years ago! I was married less than a year ago and have a hard time fitting in to my wedding dress. Kudos for the Doyles!

These 2 have lived all over South America. Right now they go back and forth from Texas to Equidor because Pauls kids live in Texas. When I asked them if they were nervious Paul said no cause the already did this twice together... Whats a third time? Expecially when we are by ourselves this time! When they were married 13 years ago they had a ceremony in South America and a ceremony in Texas so to please all family members.

Congratulations Paul and Nitza! We hope many more happy years to come.
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